This Just In
I am in the middle of a debate at one of my music geek websites, (my last post was actually a rewrite of my initial post there) and one of the neocons included the following quote as his tagline at the end of his post:
"That's why I like Bush. He doesn't over-think it. He wakes up every morning, jumps out of bed, lands on his two feet, scratches his balls, and says, "Let's kill some f@#@$ing terrorists!"
- Dennis Miller
What a sellout he turned out to be...
For a guy touted as a "smart" comic, he's surely been actin' like an idjit.
He just gives me the creeps. yeck.
Can't stand to see his face. One of his friggin' commercials come on I fumble immeditely for the remote. Couple years ago I remember someone asking him why the big change all of a sudden and he said to the effect:
"I've got my 'fuck you money' now.
I was speaking to Xtcfan about this post and about Dennis Miller. I'm reluctant to admit that once upon a time I thought he was funny.
I now know he is a complete sell-out. He wasn't making it work with his old "Aren't I the arcane, erudite comic with my articulate verbose diatribes and obscure references to the classics" so he took a look at Limbaugh and said if that stupid windbag can turn conservative invective into cash then why can't I?
But he crashed and burned...
Stacy said:
>And worst of all- all those good ole boys who think he's a great guy- guess what? Bush doesnt give a rat's ass about them. Not one bit- they are nothing but bullet fodder for his oil wars.
I know what you mean. Rove and the gang have found a way to gain the support of people who they hold in contempt, and who they are screwing with their policies, and have gotten those same people to fear and despise the people who could actually help them.
Hi Al, When Dennis Miller had his HBO show, it was pretty funny.
Did you happen to see him on the Daily Show awhile back? He was in awe of the audience -- he was hurtin'. And Jon Stewart just let him go off for about 7 minutes-- It was sad.
I have a client who met him out in CA once, several years ago and she said he's a major *ass----. The cockiest guy you would NEVER want to be around.
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Hey Blue,
>I have a client who met him out in CA once, several years ago and she said he's a major *ass----. The cockiest guy you would NEVER want to be around. <
That is no surprise. The surprise I've heard is that Pat Buchanan is supposedly a really nice guy that people love to have around - until it turns to politics and then - well you know...
Funny you say that about Pat Buchanan -- He's on Imus all the time and he can *take the heat.* -- I do not agree with him on most things -- but, I bet he'd be fun to have around to get into a great debate with. (something I've always liked to do)
I cannot stand that man. You know what? HE ISN'T SMART. He isn't vaguely intelligent. And if he is to be held responsible for the proliferation of topical humor in this culture, then something should happen to let's not kill him. How about mandatory house arrest? I can't believe he's still on the air. If he can have his own show, so can I. I'm funnier. That's right.
Sell out is an understatement.
>I can't believe he's still on the air. If he can have his own show, so can I. I'm funnier. That's right. <
Agreed! Didn't they cancel his show?
>Sell out is an understatement. <
How about arrogant conservative sychophant?
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